Christoph Rollwagen -

Christoph Rollwagen


  • September 28th, 2015
    🇩🇪 - Total lunar eclipse in Brandenburg, Germany  (more…)

    In the early morning of September 28th, 2015 a total lunar eclipse occured. The moon was gliding through the earth's umbral shadow for 1 hour and 12 minutes and appeared in a copperred light. The animation contains HDR views of the eclipsed moon - combinations of short and long exposures that reveal a quite realistic display of the event.

    While observing the eclipse I have been faced with some technical issues that resulted in interruptions in the continuity of the movie. In addition I was accidentally using a deepsky filter that slightly shifted and intensifyed the appaerance of the colours. During the central stage the moon was covered by some branches of a tree. Nevertheless I was able to create a pretty presentation.

    Date: September 28th, 2015
    Author: © Christoph Rollwagen
    Camera: Canon EOS 50D
    Lens: 1000mm GSO Newton Reflector f/5 + Baader ComaCorrector + IDAS LPS P2
    Location: Brielow near Brandenburg an der Havel

  • March 20th, 2015
    🇩🇪 - Partial solar eclipse in Brandenburg, Germany  (more…)

    The video shows the entire progress of the partial solar eclipse of March 20th, 2015 (2 hours 20 minutes) as a time-lapse display.

    The 829 single images were taken in Brielow near Brandenburg an der Havel with a 1000mm mirror telephoto lens and a Canon EOS 50D DSLR, which was attached onto an Astro5 mount with automatic guiding. In the beginning of the animation, some branches of a tree can be seen in front of the solar disk. The sky was cloudless that day.

    Date: March 20th, 2015
    Author: © Christoph Rollwagen
    Exposure: 1/1250 sec on ISO100
    Camera: Canon EOS 50D
    Lens: 1000mm MC MTO-11CA Maksutov f/10 + Baader AstroSolar Solar Filter Foil ND = 3.8
    Location: Brielow near Brandenburg on the Havel
    Speed: 300x

  • July 4th, 2014
    🇩🇪 - Noctilucent Clouds in Brandenburg, Germany  (more…)

    Shortly after midnight on July 4th, 2014 I was surprised by intense noctilucent clouds - an unprecedented activity. From the northern horizon, the mystical ice clouds covered almost half of the sky up to the zenith. I went to a big bridge which offerred a good view of the complete sky and made several photos with my DSLR. Afterwards I combined these photos and created a panoramic view, that I animated with zoom effects.

    Date: July 4th, 2014
    Author: © Christoph Rollwagen
    Exposure: 8x2,5 sec on ISO100
    Camera: Canon EOS 50D
    Lens: 28mm Tamron AF XR Di LD f/5,6
    Location: Brandenburg an der Havel